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The Birth of a Nematode

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Watch the birth of a nematode via endotokia matricida - intrauterine birth endotokia matricida.

The term endotokia matricida generally describes the hatching of juveniles within the uterus, helping to destroy the maternal body—The intrauterine birth that causes maternal death. This typical birth is familiar for the entomopathogenic nematodes (beneficial nematodes) of the genus Heterorhabditis. Have you ever wondered why this phenomenon happens?

Normally, a female of entomopathogenic nematodes produces eggs. Those eggs are released in the host body where they hatch. Yet, a low food supply may produce intrauterine birth. The eggs hatch inside the uterus. Juveniles developed within the maternal body, feed on maternal tissues. When developed, nematodes burst through the wall of the uterus, causing their mother's death.

This typical birth is an orderly process, which ensures the development of infective juveniles and provides energy reserves and bacteria. The infective juveniles (nematodes) are thus well prepared to survive and infect insect pests in the soil.

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